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WhatsApp chat groups become communities

WhatsApp will add a new option that is supposed to completely change the communication. Communities will help users group several conversation groups under a specific topic to distribute information more efficiently.

Leaders of these communities can share messages with anyone and determine which groups will be involved. Mark Zuckerberg has announced that this “evolution” will begin to be tested before it becomes available to everyone.

“You can unite several groups in a single community. “If before you had separate groups for each subject, now you can have a common community, with a central space for announcements and options for leaders,” said the founder of Meta.

According to him, it is thought that this innovation will simplify communication and cooperation between people to complete more work together. In the future, a similar option will be created for Facebook, Messenger and Instagram.

In addition to Communities, WhatsApp has also announced other changes to chat groups, such as the use of icons to respond to selected messages, the sending of 2GB documents, and voice calls between 32 people.