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How can you tell if someone has accessed your Instagram account?

How can you tell if someone has accessed your Instagram account?

If you suspect that someone has accessed your Instagram account, there is a way to find out.

The method is almost similar to that of Facebook, as both social networks are managed by the parent company Meta.
If you want to know if your account is open, then follow these instructions.
First, click on the button with three lines, located at the top right of your profile, then click on the “Settings and privacy” option.

Once you have done this, at the top of the new page, you will see the “search” option, where you type the word “logg”, and then the application suggests the option “where you’re logged in”, and you enter there.

After accessing the next page, you will see a window that shows where your Instagram account has been opened, on which devices and also from which locations.
But what should you do next?

If you want to secure your account, you have the option to log out of Instagram from all devices it is open on, by clicking on the “select devices to log out” option and then “select all”.

Always remember that if you come across any suspicious device that your Instagram has been accessed from, immediately change your password.