The petition that must be signed by every Albanian speaker

As a young Albanian who works every day with technology, I have encountered many problems regarding the recognition of the Albanian language by Google platforms. As a result of this, I took the initiative to create a petition for the recognition of the Albanian language by Google platforms such as Google AdWords and Google Adsense, […]

WhatsApp does not stop, soon 5 new changes

WhatsApp, the world’s most popular messaging app will add new features again. In early 2022, the platform introduced emoji feedback, voice message enhancement and WhatsApp Communities, but at least 5 innovations are planned. Changing messages One of the most talked about options is to change the messages sent. It is still in the testing phase, […]

Instagram brings the new option that will…

Has been in testing for the last few months and today, Instagram has officially launched its new option to paste 3 posts to your profile. As you can see in this example, now, you will be able to find a new ‘Pin’ option via the three-dot function menu to the right of each post. As […]

WhatsApp chat groups become communities

WhatsApp will add a new option that is supposed to completely change the communication. Communities will help users group several conversation groups under a specific topic to distribute information more efficiently. Leaders of these communities can share messages with anyone and determine which groups will be involved. Mark Zuckerberg has announced that this “evolution” will […]

“Instagram” surprises us with the next innovation!

Instagram is introducing a “Your Activity” tab that allows users to view and manage their activity in the app. The company started testing the feature late last year and is now distributing it to users all over the world. The new tab allows users to delete their content and interactions en masse. This includes posts, […]

What is SEO and SERP?

SEO is the combination of several technologies that when put together do what is called SEO or Search Engine Optimization. While SERP different from SEO is the product we get from SEO, so different is the fruit that SEO gives us and is long called Search Engine Ranking Position. Are these important? Yes these are […]

The Australian billionaire is taking legal action against Facebook

Australian billionaire Andrew Forrest has filed a lawsuit against Facebook alleging that the tech giant has violated anti-money laundering laws by not cracking down on fraudulent ads that used its image. According to these allegations, Facebook allegedly did not take sufficient steps to stop criminals from using its social media platform to send fraudulent advertisements […]

The number of active Facebook users is falling for the first time in 18 years

Social media giant Facebook has faced for the first time in its 18-year history the decline of active users. The company warned of declining profits in the face of competition from rivals like TikTok and YouTube, while advertisers are cutting costs. Following the announcement, the value of Meta’s shares has fallen by 20 percent, a […]

5 technological developments to follow during 2022

If 2021 was the year when the world went through the shock caused by COVID-19, 2022 will be the year when the world will walk on the foundations of the “new normal” created by the pandemic. Two years of coronavirus have changed the way people around the world live, from working remotely, to the changing […]